Comunicar, compartir y conectar a Japón con el mundo en siete idiomas.
مشاركة الرؤى .. الربط بين الأشخاص .. دعم التواصل حول اليابان
传播 沟通 助力 用七种语言 向世界展现多姿多彩的日本
Sharing Insight, Connecting People, and Supporting Communication About Japan
Faire connaître le Japon et le connecter au monde en multilingue
傳播、溝通、協助 用7種語言向世界展現多姿多采的日本
Информация о Японии на семи языках: обмениваться, объединять людей и поддерживать связи
7つの言語にのせて日本を世界へ<つたえる> <つなげる> <ささえる>

The Nippon
Communications Foundation
Sharing Insight,
Connecting People,
and Supporting Communication
About Japan

SHARING We share Japan with the world. With our website, available in seven key global languages including Japanese, we offer a nonprofit, nongovernmental perspective on all things Japanese to a global readership. Our team of translators and editors includes native speakers of all our languages with decades in and deep knowledge of today’s Japan, dedicated to sharing it clearly with the world.

CONNECTING We connect people, organizations, and more to enhance Japan’s communication with the rest of the world. As a public interest foundation, we seek to contextualize Japan in the global community as we craft opportunities for Japan and its partners worldwide to consider and discuss the issues that face us all.

SUPPORTING We work with Japan’s top communicators and idea-makers who want to share their insight with the world, and with everyone around the globe who wants to connect with Japan. We also offer training and skills to people who want to work at the forefront of this intercultural arena, further supporting those who strive to build lasting connections.

the Nippon
Communications Foundation

The Nippon Communications Foundation strives to promote understanding of Japan through web-based publishing and other activities to convey information on Japanese politics, economy, society, and culture to a diverse global readership.

At the same time, in our capacity as a nongovernmental organization, we develop and implement a range of other projects aimed at contributing to better international understanding and fostering global human resources in numerous fields.

from the President

Akasaka Kiyotaka

In recent years, major nations around the world have steadily enhanced their messaging capabilities on the global stage. Japan, however, has seen its international presence wane.
The Nippon Communications Foundation was launched to counter this trend. By sharing information on Japan’s politics, economy, society, culture, and more on our multilingual website,, we aim to boost understanding of the country and to extend its influence worldwide.



  • 7つの言語にのせて 日本を世界へ nippon.comポッドキャスト
    7つの言語にのせて 日本を世界へ nippon.comポッドキャスト #004 玄関で靴を脱ぐのは日本だけ?
  • 7つの言語にのせて 日本を世界へ nippon.comポッドキャスト
    7つの言語にのせて 日本を世界へ nippon.comポッドキャスト #003 梅は本当にプラムなのか
  • 7つの言語にのせて 日本を世界へ nippon.comポッドキャスト
    7つの言語にのせて 日本を世界へ nippon.comポッドキャスト #002 「八百万の神々」を英語で表現するには


4F, Sasakawa Peace Foundation Bldg.
1-15-16 Toranomon, Minato-ku Tokyo
105-0001 JAPAN
Tel.: +81-3-5510-5401
Fax: +81-3-3519-3519
  • Nearest stations:
  • Toranomon Station (Ginza Line): Exit 2B
  • Toranomon Hills Station (Hibiya Line): Exit A2
  • Kasumigaseki Station (Marunouchi Line, Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line): Exit A12
  • JR Shinbashi Station: Hibiya exit